Monday, October 1, 2007

The Peach

The Power of the Peach

I have been fascinated by the Peach and its power. Power, you ask? How can a peach have power???? Allow me to relay to you just some of the ways that the peach has an indescribable, monumental power. Read on!

When I was 8 years old I took a peach pit and planted it in our backyard....and of course, I never told anyone about doing that. Then the next spring my father tried to figure out what was growing in our backyard. Naturally I forgot all about planting it. Some company came by and Dad asked what it was that was growing, The man was from somewhere in the South and he said it was a PEACH tree! And then I remembred planting it the summer before. I remembered the little ceremony I had to bless it and asked to grow. AND I WAS AMAZED! I didn't know that the peach would survive harsh Wyoming winters and then come up in the spring! It even had some 30+ leaves. I thought then how powerful the peach was. I wondered about that for a long, long time.

In the summer when fruit was less expensive, my favorite thing for breakfast and for desert was peaches and cream. Mom would buy the peaches, picking out the very best ones and very often she peeled them and sliced them. Then we used REAL cram and a couple spoonfuls of sugar. It was always my very favorite. What I liked was not ony the flavor, but it seemed as if everyone in our family of 6 was happy when we were eating peaches and cream. I thought about how powerful the peach was as it turned people's faces into smiles and it made our home more serene. I wondered about that for a long, long time.

Even when my sons were babies, their favorite food from baby food jars were Gerber's peaches. They might have been really cranky before eating them, but one bite and they were happy babies once again. You might argue that they would have had that response from just getting food in their empty tummies. One could. However, all the other foods offered to them were not crying stoppers---only thepeach. One might argue that it was the sugar in the peaches that satisfied them. One could. However, all the other "sweet" fruits set before them were always passed over for the love of the peach. Now is that power, or what????

The power of the peach is so significant in my life that many years ago it was in the form of peach cobbler and it became the opening for me to fall in love. How, I hear you asking? How could it possibly be credited for that capability? I tell you that peach moved my whole body, mind, heart, and spirit. It was wonderful. Ihave long contemplated how that could happen with just a bite of peach. All I know is that it happened and I have always been grateful to the Persistant Peach for all of the goodness it has brought me.

And finally, the power of the peach does its thing as far as my moments of depression arise. I can sit down with real peaches. (but cream has been replaced with skim milk and sugar with Splenda) or canned peaches or frozen peaches or dried peaches and become immediately composed and the depression goes silently away---as if it had never been there. Now that is Power. Wouldn't you agree?

Oh how I love peaches!

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