Friday, September 14, 2007

Can you be happy and peaceful?

I've always thought the two were synonomous but I'm thinking differently.

I have heard the Dahli Lama laugh, many times. I thought he was a happy man.....until yesterday. I heard from his book "How to Practice the Way to a Meaningful Life" that he has not been happy most of his life. With all the changes that were going on in Tibet and reorganizing his whole country in another land was a challenge for him. And yet, He is probably one of the most peaceful men I have ever had the honor of meeting....and serving. So the question came to mind...."Are happiness and peacefulness the same?"

I think of Christ. Certainly one of the most peaceful men in our existence. And yet I think of his life as being very contemplative, very dedicated to His cause, and very concerned with others. I've seen images of him "laughing" but its hard to tell if he was a "happy man".

Dr. Westphall of the Vietnam Veterans National Memorial in Angel Fire, NM is one of the most peaceful men I've ever met and yet as I shared dinner with him most every night for 3 years I would be hard pressed to say that he was "happy".

Abraham Lincoln was full of laughter and tales that made others laugh and yet his life was plagued with misfortune. He is quoted to have said, "A Man is about as Happy as he makes up HIS mind to be!" Yet his life didn't hold very much happiness. But he was a peaceful man. He realized the tasks before him were not entirely of his own doing and hence he had the "personalness" taken out of it.

Mother Theresa certainly smiled but I would like to know how she would answer the question "Are you happy?"

In my own life....have I been happier or more at peace? I like to think I've had some of each. And even sometimes I do have one or the other, rarely though I think have I had them both together.

Perhaps happiness is over rated. Ha!

Something to think about for sure.

So it makes me wonder? Can you be happy AND peaceful? Enquiring minds want to know!


JanT said...

Gee, a place where I can see your beautiful smile and hear your beautiful comments all from my own home. What a treat! Thanks. Jan

Susie Knutson said...

Thank you dear Jan.....thank you....what a blessing you are!