Saturday, September 15, 2007

Would you rather be RIGHT or be HAPPY?

This always proves to be an interesting question:

Being a hard-headed Norwegian has often caused me to want to be "right"....:) but I have found over the years that being happy is so much easier on my world. If I need to be right, then it causes me so much mental and emotional stress....where if I let go and let the "rightness" work itself out, I'm much much much happier.

When I'm feeling a need to be "right", I now take a breath (a big one!) and I say to myself, "I breathe in the love of God" and when I exhale I say to myself, "I breathe out all fear" I repeat this process many times during the day and it allows me to let go of that having to be "right" business. It calms me, helps me put things in perspective and allows me to be MUCH more compassionate and caring with those around me. It helps me be the best Susie that I can be.

So I ask you today, "Would you rather be right? Or be happy?"

When I've asked this question to others I very often get the answer, "BOTH"! Some have said that when they are "right" they are happy. Some have told me that it helped make sense of the world if they knew they were "right".

Isn't it an interesting question? The interesting part for me is not the question itself but rather that we have a CHOICE.....we can CHOOSE which one we would rather be.....And to me that is just miraculous. This line actually comes from "A Course in Miracles" which I facilitate each week here in Corrales.

It does leave me with the sense of awe and wonder as well as looking at my own events that happen during the day----- and I am constantly asking myself, "Susie, would you rather be right or be happy?" And it allows me to choose differently if I'm feeling a need to be "right"......and I LOVE THAT!!!!!!


(Picture is of son, Jerry and grandson, Spencer2006)

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