Sunday, November 4, 2007

Where There Is Despair, Hope

Where There Is Despair, Hope

I often think about Abraham Lincoln's life. More than that I wonder about it. I think about instances that I've read where he was in total despair because of all of the troops that were losing their lives, particularly the very young men. I think about my great grandpa who shook his hand after the battle of Antietam and I can only imagine the look in Lincoln's eye as he surveyed this young lad of only 14. I think about the despair he felt for the war, for the casualties on so many levels. I think about the despair he must have surely felt when he lost all of those 14 elections. I think about the despair he was noted for in the loss of his young son and his despair when his wife lost her senses. He was a man of deep despair....and for good reason!

And in spite of this he went out to the troops and gave them hope. He shook their hands and thanked them for their service. He often told his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, that things would turn out "all right". He was known to have given Ulysses Grant much hope in his government positions as Grant had little of it in his stockade. I think about the hope that he afforded our country....that he afforded slaves, that he offered to the multitudes. In his second inaugural address he attests, "With malice toward none".....offering hope for peace of mind and peace within each person's being.

He had much despair, and he brought much hope.

I've thought about the times when I have been visiting that place of despair. When i was first diagnosed with diabetes, it took me a while to get used to the idea and despair was my constant companion for a bit. When I was divorced, I lived so much in despair that I thought my life would always be that way. When my sons left to live with their dad, my despair knew no bounds. I used to walk into my apartment, close the door, and fall to the floor in tears and stay there hour after hour. But then, miraculously hope was restored each time. Each time, some one or something reminded me that all is well....that life goes on and it goes on gloriously.

I've thought about when I've noticed others in despair, how I have offered hope and kindness. I thought about hos much it has eased others' minds and helped them to "go on".

What a good thing to do, to offer hope. How important it is to each person's well being. What a good thing to do.

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