Sunday, December 9, 2007

A Treasured Christmas Memory

A Treasured Christmas Memory

Several years ago while serving as a Bed and Breakfast hostess, I was there over the Christmas holidays as many people were coming to ski over the Christmas break in the little mountain village of Angel Fire, New Mexico. I was feeling a little lonesome and "lost" as all of my family was far far away and I was "alone". In my prayers I asked that the Christmas story come alive for me....knowing that that would make my heart feel better.

A couple of days before Christmas, a family of four came to the B&B....the father's name was Joseph, the mother's name was Mary, the 6 year old son's name was Benjamin, and the 2 year old daughter's name was Sarah. I remarked when they registered that how wonderful it was to have Mary and Joseph and a baby at Christmas. They all smiled. Later that evening when sitting in front of the fire, the mother told me that she took care of small children at their church and the father said that he felt like he herded sheep....he was a principal at a local school. I thought...'Isn't this interesting? I have a shepherd here at Christmas!'

The day before Christmas another couple came through the mountain door and the woman had the most beautiful blond curly hair. I smiled at her and said, "Oh Look....we have an Angel visiting us!" She smiled and told me that they had stopped in Santa Fe on the way up to this mountain community and her husband had bought her the necklace she had on.....a plethora of angels. She told me that that was an unusual ting for them both to purchase but felt on this trip that it would be the 'right' thing to do.

Christmas eve evening I looked out the door of the B&B and there were Elk in the yard.....and deer and even a small black bear. They all seemed to be peering in the windows.

I looked out into the night sky and above us were the brightest stars. Living that high up in the atmosphere it appeared as if the stars were right next to me. I could clearly see the North Star which has been the guiding light for many many travelers since the beginning of time.

I was truly inspired that I had Mary, Joseph, a baby, a shepherd, an Angel, animals and stars.....I felt so "honored" that the Christmas story was indeed coming alive for me.

Later that evening, a truck drove into the yard and I couldn't figure out who it could be. All of the guests had arrived that I was expecting. Out of the truck came 3 men and slowly made their way to the door. I opened the door and asked, "May I help you?"

One of them simply replied,'s I, Colby. What a treat that was for me....Colby and two of his friends from college came to visit. They came in and couldn't take their eyes off of the baby. They were so enamoured by her. So I had 3 Wise Men who came to adore the baby.

After everyone retired for the evening, I sat by the fire for a long, long time. I wondered how many times the Christmas story had evidenced itself to others....not just the original one. I wondered why I was so blessed to receive this one....and I wondered how many other times that history repeated itself.....that the Bible was a "living" testimony....not simply an historical one.

I sat quietly and slowly let the embers of the fire extinguish themselves. I felt like God had come to me and made a visit......Even though I was missing my family, I truly felt blessed.

And that was the miracle!

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